AutoElevate Admin Portal Changelog
Discover the latest changes and updates to the AutoElevate Admin Portal.
Table of Contents
- Implemented real-time password strength feedback to enhance security when creating or updating a user’s password.
- Reorganization of Settings screen moving the "Logo (Square)" setting to the "Just-in-Time (JIT) Admin" heading and renamed to “Just-in-Time (JIT) Admin - Logo (Square)”.
- Security updates.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug allowing users to be created with invalid emails.
- Fixes a bug where an error may prompt when trying to convert multiple blocker events to rules.
- Security updates.
- Security updates.
- Improves performance of Blocker Recommendations
- Security updates.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes an issue where changes to a Grid View may prompt an error when being saved.
- Changes the default company access for auto-provisioned SSO users to 'none'. Admins will now receive an email to configure the new user’s company access.
- Restrict users from modifying their own Role or Company Access to prevent potential misconfigurations.
- Security updates.
- Prevents the possibility of duplicate companies/locations being created from agent deployment or manual entry from the portal.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes issue causing the “30 Day Results” > “Rules Applied“ and “30 Day Results” > “Rules Missed (in Audit Mode)“ dashboard metrics to be incorrect.
- Secures new SSO users from automatically gaining access to all companies. Admins will now receive an email to configure the new user’s company access.
- Elevation Events Grid: "Product Name" column added to grid.
New Features
- Elevation Requests Grid: Adds “Convert to Rule” action.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where the grid group row count and sorting may be incorrect.
- Clears the checkbox selection after a "Convert to Rule" is completed in either of the Requests or Events grid.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug where Technician (L2) role should not be able to delete a computer.
- Fixes a bug where the "Remove Admin Privileges Override" may not take effect at the next check-in.
New Features
- General Availability for “Elevation Request Explanation” feature (agent 2.9+ required)
- Gives the end-user the option to include an explanation when making an Elevation Request.
- See the “Agent Customizations & Behavior” > “Elevation Request Explanation” Setting.
- Gives the end-user the option to include an explanation when making an Elevation Request.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug causing a Rule being created from an Event to not have the right approval status
Bug Fixes
- Fixes issues preventing a Location from being deleted when all associated items have been deleted.
- Fixes issue displaying the wrong number of Computers that are associated with a Location.
- Fixes issue with the “Agent Customizations & Behavior” > “Agent Dialog Message Overrides” setting not being able to scroll properly on smaller displays
New Features
- (Early Access) Halo PSA Integration
Bug Fixes
- Request Detail Screen: Fixes bug causing fields with lots of information in the “Additional App Info” to not “wrap”, making the screen much to wide
- Fixes bug that could allow a Location or Company to do deleted while associated Computers are still active
- Fixes bug that could cause too many emails to be sent when a failed password/MFA attempt happens on your account.
- Company Detail Screen: “Number of Computers” & “Number of Rules” counts restored for each location
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug causing some Blocker recommendations to not disappear after being applied
- Blocker Recommendations performance improvements
- Makes sure the “Has Matching Rule?” column properly displays “n/a” for Events from agents on versions older than 2.9
- Proper description & validation for the “Elevation Request Explanation” setting
New Features
- Support to customize the JIT Admin “credential tile” label text (Early Access agent 2.9+ required).
- See the “Credential Tile Override” option in the “Agent Customizations & Behavior” > “Just-in-Time Admin Login” Setting.
- Adds “Additional App Info” & “Publisher Certificate Info” to the Request detail screen
- Support for the “Has Matching Rule?” column in the Events grid (Early Access agent 2.9+ required)
- The agent will now include information on each Event as to whether or not a Rule existed for that item.
- Syncro Ticketing Integration (please contact support if you want any of these items enabled)
- Adds “Should Charge Timer Entry”
- Adds ”Should Add Asset Contact to Ticket"
- Prevents “click-out” of Settings grid dialog boxes
- To prevent accidental cancellation in the middle of editing
New Features
- Adds support for “Elevation Request Explanation” feature (Early Access agent 2.9+ required)
- Gives the end-user the option to include an explanation when making an Elevation Request.
- See the “Agent Customizations & Behavior” > “Elevation Request Explanation” Setting.
- Gives the end-user the option to include an explanation when making an Elevation Request.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug causing a Standard User to be reported as an Admin in the Computers grid
- Fixes bug causing an error when performing an action on more than 1 Settings at a time
- Fixes bug causing a Rule to be set to Allowed if the publisher cert was not verified
- Fixes bug preventing grid views from being saved
- Better handling of grid view save errors
New Features
- For SSO with Azure AD:
- Adds option to “Delegate MFA to Custom Control in Azure AD”
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug causing error when trying to cancel the data download on a grid.
- Improves validation on JIT Admin “Username” field to check for valid length & characters.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug on Rules grid that prevented the correct filename from appearing
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug not allowing the “Agent Customizations & Behavior” > “Logo (Square)” setting from being removed
New Features
Single Sign-On (SSO) with AzureAD
Ability to save data grid views (filters, sorting, grouping, etc.)
SHA265 - Computers running Agent version 2.5.0+ will now report events and requests with a SHA256 file hash. Rules can also include a SHA256 file hash as part of the file identification alongside the currently used MD5 file hash.
New Multi-Level Settings
Windows Event Logging - This allows computers running Agent version 2.5.0+ to send Windows Event Logs for certain actions the Agent performs.
Pre-Request Dialog Customizations - In the "Agent Dialog Message Overrides" setting, the "Pre-Request" override has been added to allow the Agent dialog that appears before making a privilege elevation request to receive a custom Title and HTML Display.
In the Users screen, the 'Send "Sent Initial Password" Email' and 'Send "Password Reset" Email' actions confirmation dialogs will now make it clear if one or more selected Users will not receive an email based on whether or not they already have a password.
Adds Elevation Type to Requests screen.
- Adds support link in side bar.
Adds protections that prevent a user from accidently delete their own user account.
Antivirus Enabled and Antivirus Up-To-Date fields now display an "n/a" for computers running Windows Server on the Companies Screen, Events Screen, and Request Details screen. Windows Server does not have the APIs necessary to query this information.
Tooltips now have a uniformed look site wide. Due to this change, most tooltip's font size will appear larger and easier to read.
Site logo updated to include the new CyberFOX company name.
New Features
User Activation (View Documentation)
- User Edit/Create Screen:
- Added a "Save & Email" button. This button will not only save the user, but will also send them a "Set Initial Password" email. This button is not available once a password has been set.
- Added a "Confirm Email Address" field.
- Removed the password field. This field is now longer needed since users can now reset their own password.
- Users Screen:
- Added an option within the "ACTIONS" menu to send a "Password Reset" email to one or more users. Unlike the "Forgot Password?" link available on the Login Screen, the email sent by an admin will not require the user to provide their 1FA.
- Added an option within the "ACTIONS" menu to send a "Set Initial Password" email to one or more users. This option may be useful if there is a need to add many new users, but want to send out all of the "Set Initial Password" emails at a later time.
Dark Mode - Added an option to switch between Light and Dark Modes. It also has an Auto mode to switch themes based on the user's browser settings.
SSO (Single Sign-On) with Azure AD - (internal alpha) - Adds the ability to sign in to the Admin Portal using Azure AD SSO. This feature will soon be available to early access members.
Added customizable Title and Message to the Agent dialog that asks the end user if they would like to make a request.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where fixed columns in grids on a mobile screen prevented the user from seeing non-fixed columns.
New Features
Made the side bar able to be collapsed and expanded.
Allows for multiple users to be deleted at one time from the users screen.
- Adjusted the appearance of the scroll bars for them to look more rounded.
- Increased site performance by moving a long running data fetch for the Requests screen.
- Improved load times for the rules edit screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug in the Settings edit screen where the time entry duration could not be disabled and instead defaulted to 15 minutes.
- Optimized Company and Location merge.
New Features
Added a Location selection drop list to the Events screen's "Convert To Rule" feature. It is only available when converting on a Computer level with multiple Events selected.
Redesigned Settings screen. This change is only available to select users during the beta testing phase.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed color pickers overlapping other fields.
- Adjusts calculations for the Computer status indicator that is displayed on the Computers screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Events and Requests screens' date picker so that the returned records include those that fall on the end date.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in the Edit Rule's Identification Criteria
- Optimized Dashboard performance.
- Added more servers to spread the load and increase performance.
- Moved some heavy read load on various screens from the main read/write database server to a read-only database server to increase overall site performance.
- Optimized Computers screen performance.
Bug Fixes
- Various small bug fixes behind the scenes.
- Improved site responsiveness by loading more records at a time.
- Optimized Rules screen performance.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed duplicate notification issue.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that prevented the Companies view page from loading.
- Fixed bug that could prevent a computer from being linked to a ticketing system.
New Features
- Added the ability to display development versions of the agent for select users.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where a Request would be updated before the ticketing system had time to actually create the ticket in the first place.
New Features
- Added email ticketing system.
New Features
- Added "Remove Link" button for Companies.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed log-in issue caused by email casing.
New Features
- Rules: Adds option to remove multiple rules at once from the actions dropdown menu.
- Adds company selector dropdown to the following screens: Computers, Events, Requests, & Rules.
- Location Grid: Adds "Download MSI" button to the "MSI Arguments" popup.
- Settings: Adds Admin Portal changelog link to "General Info"
- Events: Removes "Number Of Rules" column. (Documentation HERE)
- Events: Performance Improvements.
New Features
- Advanced Rules: Publisher & File identification criteria. (Documentation HERE)
- Settings: Adds setting to allow the "Block Requests from 'AppData\Local\Temp'" security feature to be turned off if desired.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug deleting a single item from some grid screens.
- Computers Grid: Adjusts logic for "UAC Status" field to account for more possible configurations.
New Features
- All Grids: Adds options to Date Ranges for last 7, 30, 90 & 365 days.
New Features
- Events & Requests grids: Adds "Refresh on Load" option.
- All Grids: Makes "Action" button more visible so that it stands out more.
- Location Grid: Refines the "MSI Argument" path to be less error prone.
- Users & Companies forms: Properly displays all input errors & removes browser autocomplete on fields.
Bug Fixes
- Computers Grid: Fixes issue preventing some users from being able to "Refresh" the data.
New Features
- Users: Adds "Technician Mode Ticketing" setting.
- Clarifies "Excluded Admin Users" option with link to documentation (
- Updates MSI download URL
New Features
Events Grid: Adds "Technician Mode User" column.
Computers Grid: Adds "Technician Mode User" column.
Settings: Adds "UAC Loading Overlay Enabled" setting.
Users: Adds "Notifications Enabled" setting.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug preventing column sorting from working when one or more fields were empty.
New Features
Allows the ability to set the default "Elevation Type" for Requests and to switch it in real-time.
Enables menu button and collapsible drawer on smaller screens.
New Features
- Settings: Adds "Denial Callback Enabled" and "Dialog Message Overrides" options.
- Dashboard: Temporarily disables the historical reports.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug that could prevent new users from properly being created.
- All Grids: Shows the count of records in each group.
- All Grids: Properly sorts items alphabetically without separating upper and lowercase names.
- Settings: Adds info about latest agent version and lin kto the changelog
New Features
Rules Grid: Adds "Set Elevation Type" action & column for Admin & User elevation options.
Computers Grid: Adds "Remove Admin Privileges" action & column for migration capabilities which will help automate/expedite the conversion of environments with admin privileges to only having standard privileges in a few clicks without end users being inconvenienced.
Settings & Company Settings: Adds "Excluded Admin Users" list. User names added here will not have their admin privileges removed when the "Remove Admin Privileges" option is set on a Computer.
Rules Grid: Adds "Vendor" column
Events Grid: Adds "User Name" column
Requests Detail: Adds "Date Created" & "Date Responded" fields
New Features
- Requests & Rules Grid: The MD5 hash is now clickable and links directly to the VirusTotal detail page
New Features
Events Grid: Adds "Number of Rules" column to determine how many Rules exists for this specific file
Events Grid: The MD5 hash is now clickable and links directly to the VirusTotal detail page
New Features
- Adds "Technician Mode Auth Type" setting
Bug Fixes
- Fixes bug preventing the Request Notification popup to not redirect to the new Request
- Request Detail Screen: Adds UAC Title field (if available)