Datto Autotask PSA - Ticketing Integration Overview
Understand how to integrate your ticketing system with Datto Autotask PSA for improved team workflow
AutoElevate’s integration with Autotask enables service providers to seamlessly track and control their client’s admin privileges in a simple and painless way. In one touch, the technician can expedite 30 minutes’ worth of work into only 30 seconds, including ticketing, documentation, time entry, and communication back to the client.
- Tickets for each client privilege request are created automatically.
- Detailed notes of client requests and actions are included in the ticket automatically.
- Machine and application security are summarized and color-coded for quick reference by the technician and include links to additional research resources.
- Technicians are assigned to the ticket when action is taken along with Status/Type/Sub-item-Type being set, machine configuration being added, and time entry including work type included automatically.
- Cohesive communication to client’s computer, eliminating phone calls and remote sessions in real-time.
To set up the Integration, you must set up an API user for AutoElevate (please see instructions here).