Why can't I update Quickbooks?
Updating Quickbooks with AutoElevate.
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We are aware of a limitation in QuickBooks design, where it does not prompt for User Account Control (UAC) for standard users. When standard users need to update QuickBooks, they must right-click on it and select "Run As Admin." This action triggers the UAC and subsequently activates AutoElevate.
To simplify this process for end-users, some clients have adopted the following approach:
Create an "Update QuickBooks" Shortcut:
- Add another shortcut next to the regular QuickBooks shortcut and name it "QuickBooks Update."
Set Shortcut Properties to "Run As Admin":
- Configure the "QuickBooks Update" shortcut to "Run As Admin" from its properties. This eliminates the need for users to right-click and select "Run As Admin."
Elevation Type
Additionally, you may need to adjust your AutoElevate rule to use "User Elevation" instead of "Admin." This change ensures that the elevation occurs within the context of the logged-in user, rather than relying on an "over-the-shoulder" account. You can find detailed instructions in this article: Elevation Types.
By implementing these steps, you can simplify the QuickBooks update process for your users and ensure that AutoElevate functions smoothly with QuickBooks' UAC limitations.