Emergency Access allows you to pre-designate someone who can access your account in an emergency when you cannot access it yourself.
You can invite one person or multiple people to have emergency access to your account. You can also choose whether your emergency contacts can access your account or select items.
Choose Emergency Contacts Wisely
Choose your emergency contacts carefully. They will have full access to whatever you select!
How emergency access works
You and your emergency contact need a Password Boss account. If your emergency contact does not have an account, we will help them create one.
Choose if your emergency contact will have access to your entire account or just selected items.
Specify a waiting period if you like. This is how long your emergency contact must wait before their account emergency access is active.
Once you invite your emergency contact, they will receive an email invitation that they can accept or decline.
Once your invitation is accepted, the setup is complete.
You can view your emergency contacts by clicking on Emergency and viewing the Accepted Emergency Access Invitation section of Password Boss.
Requesting access
This is the process an emergency contact will use to request access to your account.
In Password Boss, the emergency contact requests access in the Emergency section.
The person who invited the emergency contact will receive an email notification regarding the access request.
If the account owner sets a waiting period, access to the owner's account will be available after the timer expires.
If there is no waiting period, then access will be available in a few minutes.
Once access is granted, the emergency contact will see all of the items you granted access to in the Emergency section of their Password Boss account in the Accepted Invitation section
Customizing emergency access
Users can designate multiple emergency contacts. Each emergency contact can be given separate access to different items.
Different access to items
When setting up an emergency contact, a Password Boss user can choose to give access to their entire account or to select items.
Customized waiting period
When an emergency contact is set up, the user creating the emergency access invitation decides whether or not to specify a waiting period. This waiting period must expire before the emergency contact can access data.