Importing to Password Boss WebApp from a CSV
Learn how to securely import your passwords into Password Boss WebApp from a CSV file.
Table of Contents
What can be imported?
Importing data into Password Boss WebApp can be a hassle, especially when the data is stored in other sources like your browser or other Password Managers. Fortunately, Password Boss provides a CSV import wizard that can help simplify the import process. With the CSV import wizard, you can import various items into Password Boss, making the process hassle-free.
We support the following types of information that can be imported into Password Boss using our CSV import wizard:
- Website passwords
- Application passwords
- Database passwords
- Email accounts
- Instant messenger accounts
- Server passwords
- SSH keys
- WiFi passwords
- Names
- Addresses
- Companies
- Email addresses
- Phone numbers.
- Various other identity-related fields
Importing your CSV file
1. Log into Password Boss at
2. Click Menu, Import Passwords, and choose From CSV file.
3. Choose the CSV file that's located on your computer and click Next.
4. The next screen will display each row from the CSV file and ask you to choose the profile, header row, or ignore (first column) to which you would like the items to be saved. The second column shows the type of item you want to save it as.
By default, it will automatically select your default profile (business profile) and the Website password item type
5. The next screen will show all the items to import, grouped by item type. For each grouping, Select the data field that matches the data field of your item group. By default, each field is set to be ignored unless you match it. If you forget to match up data fields to a group, you will get a warning message before being allowed to continue.
6. Select Next to import the items.